
Speaker: Prof. Emeritus Datuk Shad Saleem Faruqi
Speaker Prof. Emeritus Datuk Shad Saleem Faruqi

Holder of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Chair as Professor of Consitutional Law at University of Malaya.

First Speaker for Panel 1 on Constitutional Legal Pluralism and Definitional Issues under the Federal Constitution.

Speaker Mr. Lim Heng Seng

Lawyer at Lee Hishamuddin Allen & Gledhell Advocate & Solicitor. 

Second Speaker for Panel 1 on Legal Pluralism: Impact of Article 121A on Minority Rights and Institutions.

Speaker Dr. Yogeswaran Subramaniam

Third Speaker for Panel 1 on Situation Native Customary Rights (NCR) to Land in Sabah and Sarawak within the Federal Consitution

Speaker Mr. Francis Johen Adam

Native Courts Judge and Former State Deputy Attorney General, Sarawak. 

First Speaker for Panel 2 on Native Courts in Sarawak: Need for Restructuring and Reform.

Speaker Datu Ronnie Edward

Ketua, Majlis Adat Istiadat Sarawak.

Second Speaker for Panel 2 on Codification of Customs: Benefits and Challenges.

Speaker En. Libat Langub

Lawyer at Dr. Yaacob & Ismail Advocates & Solicitors. 


Third Speaker for Panel 2 on Traditional Leadership and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Speaker YAA Ahadin Arinen

Ketua Hakim Syarie, Jabatan Kehakiman Syariah Negeri Sabah. 


Fourth Speaker for Panel 2 on Jurisdictional Contours between Civil, Syariah, and Native Courts: Co-existence and Administration in Sabah

Speaker: Dr. Ramy Bulan
Speaker Dr. Ramy Bulan

Research Fellow at Faculty of Law Universiti Malaya and Director of CLPIL

First Speaker for Panel 3 on Indigeneity, Land and Property Demarcation: Incorporating Statutory and Customary Rights

Speaker Mr. Jayl Langub

Research Fellow, Insitute of Borneo Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Second Speaker for Panel 3 on Penan Concepts of Conservation of Lands and Forests

Speaker Mr. Gerald Jetony

Secretary, Sabah Biodiversity Centre

Third Speaker for Panel 3 on Traditional Communal Management of Water Resources and Fisheries: The Tagal System in Sabah.

Speaker Prof. Dr. Poline Bala

Director, Insitute of Borneo Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Fourth Speaker for Panel 3 on Social Anthropology and Cultural Justice.

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