1. The Association shall be known as
Hereinafter referred to as "the Association".
3. Level : Negeri
1. The registered address is
or at such other place as may from time to time be decided by the Committee; and
the postal address is
2. The registered and postal addresses shall not be changed without the prior
approval of the Registrar of Societies.
(1) To provide a platform for entrepreneurs, traders, business person(s) and
professionals from the Orang Ulu communities who are members of the Chamber
(a) to share ideas and resources;
(b) to work together for their mutual benefits and/or the benefit of the Orang Ulu
(c) collect, collate, share, document, store and use information and data on the
Orang Ulu communities with the objective of enhancing their economic and social
(2) To promote, protect and preserve the interests of its members;
(3) To liaise and engage with relevant authorities on behalf of its member in all
matters relating to trade, industries and commerce;
(4) To obtain, analyse and disseminate trade informations to its members;
(5) To coordinate the activities of its members and assist in finding solutions to their
business problems;
(6) To set up investment arm(s) as deemed appropriate, to undertake business
activities for the Chamber for the benefit of its members;
(7) To produce and publish relevant information through media including
newspapers, magazines, leaflets, and social media on industries and commerce
and such matters as may be relevant to the objectives of the Chamber;
(8) To represent its members in business fora, seminars, talks, workshops,
presentations, exhibitions and such other event as may benefit the Chamber and its
(9) To establish and/or assist organisations, bodies, associations, funds,
scholarships, trust and any other benefits for welfare purposes;
(10) To conduct talks, workshops, seminars and training and engage experienced
facilitators, lecturers, speakers for such purposes with the objective of educating
and helping members of the Chamber and/or members of the Orang Ulu
Communities to establish, manage and operate businesses.
(11) To cooperate and work together with other organisations and associations
having the same aspiration as the Chamber to achieve their mutual objectives.
(12) To buy, sell, lease, acquire and to hold any estate, land, building, easements or
other interest in immovable properties for the purpose of the Chamber;
(13) To develop immovable properties;
(14) To purchase or rent any property for the purpose of establishing an office or
offices for the Chamber and to erect there on or maintain, reconstruct, refurbish and
furnish a building or buildings for such purpose;
(15) To purchase, acquire and hold shares, stocks debentures, bonds for the
benefit of the Chamber and its members;
(16) To invest excess funds of the Chamber, which are not required in the near term
to meet administrative and ordinary expenses of the Chamber in such manner as
may from time to time be determined and approved by members in a General
(17) To borrow and raise funds in such manner as the members in a General
Meeting may approve;
(18) To undertake and execute any trust which may lawfully be undertaken by the
(19) To request for and receive donations, grants, awards, from Governments,
organisation or individuals for the purpose of the Chamber.
(20) In carrying out any of the foregoing objectives, to employ any lawful means in
the execution thereof including but not limited to, use of information technology (IT)
like internet, softwares, social media and any other form, mode or medium as may
currently be in used by businesses in their respective industries.
Membership of the Chamber shall be open to an Orang Ulu person who is a
Malaysian citizen and who at the time of application, shall
(a) carry on a business registered in accordance with the laws of the country, or
hold interest or shares or is a director in a business; or
(b) Who practices and operates a licensed professional firm registered in Malaysia.
(2) For the purpose of this Constitution, a person is an “Orang Ulu” if he belongs to
any of the following native tribes of Sarawak: Berawan, Bisaya, Kajang (including
Sekapan, Kejaman, Lahanan, Punan, Tanjong and Kanowit), Kayan, Kelabit,
Kenyah (including Badeng, Sebop and Seping), Lakiput, Lun Bawang, Penan,
Sa’ban, Sihan, Tabun, Tring, or any admixture of these races with each other, or
where a person is a citizen of Malaysia and with either one of his father or mother
belonging to any one of the races stated herein before.
Honorary membership may be accorded to any Malaysian citizen if the Supreme
Council is satisfied that such individual is able to contribute towards the
advancement of the Chamber, provided always that such honorary member shall
have no right to vote and to hold office in the Chamber.
A person who fulfils the requirements of ordinary membership under Clause 4.1
shall further fulfil the following requirements in order to become a member of the
(a) An applicant shall fill and submit correctly to the Chamber a Membership
Application Form, which is obtainable from the Chamber.
(b) Every application for membership shall be proposed and seconded by two (2)
existing voting members respectively and shall be forwarded to the Secretary
General of the Chamber who shall submit the same to the Supreme Council for
approval. The Supreme Council has the absolute discretion to approve or reject any
application without assigning any reason therefor.
(c) In the event of a doubt as to the status of an applicant not falling within the term
“Orang Ulu”, the Supreme Council shall have the absolute discretion to decide on
the facts submitted to it if such an applicant is an “Orang Ulu”, and if so found, shall
accept his application.
(d) Every applicant whose application has been approved as aforesaid shall upon
payment of the prescribed fee(s), be admitted as a member of the Chamber with his
name entered in the member’s Register Book of the Chamber and be entitled to all
the rights and privileges as a member.
(e) A copy of this Constitution of the Chamber may be supplied to any member
upon payment of a prescribed fee as may from time to time be determined by the
Supreme Council.
(1) Any member may resign as a member of the Chamber by a notice in writing to
the Secretary General which notice shall be addressed to the Secretary General at
the Chamber's registered office.
(2) Upon acceptance of the said notice of resignation of a member by the Supreme
Council, the Secretary General shall notify such member accordingly and
thereupon, such member shall cease to be a member of the Chamber PROVIDED
ALWAYS that all dues to the Chamber shall remain due and payable by such
(3) The Supreme Council may at any of its meeting, expel a member on any of the
following grounds, if he:
(a) commits an act in breach of any provision of this Constitution or any rule made
(b) if a member disrupts or attempts to disrupt solidarity, unity and administration of
the Chamber;
(c) destroys the integrity or attempts to destroy the integrity and good name of the
(d) disobeys or acts in such manner against the decision or ruling of the Supreme
(e) is disqualified from being a member hereof or has ceased to have the requisite
qualification for membership;
(f) has committed an offence or misconduct, criminal or otherwise, which in the
reasonable opinion of the Supreme Council is injurious or counter to the objective(s)
of the Chamber.
(4) A show-cause letter shall be issued to the member concerned within reasonable
time before a decision for an expulsion is made by the Supreme Council and the
member shall be given an opportunity to be heard and may be represented by an
(5) The decision of the Supreme Council shall be final and conclusive in the matter
of expulsion and shall not be questioned, reviewed or challenged in any court of
(6) Any member shall, upon ceasing to be a member of the Chamber, whether on
account of resignation or expulsion forfeits all rights to and claim upon the Chamber
and its property and funds.
(1) An annual membership fee of RM100.00 shall be payable by each applicant
upon applying for membership of the Chamber. The entrance fee for membership of
the Chamber shall be RM100 only.
(2) The Chamber may, for the purpose of promoting its objects, call for special levy
or donations, grants and awards from its members and/or any individual or
organisation who wish to support the Chamber.
(1) The General Meeting shall constitute the supreme authority of the Chamber. All
business arising between the General Meetings shall be transacted by the Supreme
Council established by the Chamber.
(a) The General Meeting of the Chamber shall be held annually on or before 30th
June of each year at such time and place as may be fixed by the Supreme Council.
(b) A notice calling for the said meeting shall be given to all members at least
fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.
(c) The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include the followings:
(i) To receive the Secretary General’s annual report on the affairs of the Chamber;
(ii) To receive the Treasurer General’s report and audited Statement of Accounts of
the Chamber for the previous year;
(iii) To elect members of the Supreme Council triennially and appoint Auditors for
the ensuing year;
(iv) To discuss proposals and matters submitted by chamber members;
(v) To decide the venue of the following Annual General Meeting.
(d) There shall be no voting by proxy at any Annual or Extraordinary General
(e) A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be considered to have been
formed if at least forty six (46) members (being at least twice the total number of
members of the Supreme Council) who are eligible to vote are present at the
(f) If within thirty (30) minutes from the time appointed for a meeting of the Annual
General Meeting, a quorum of members is not constituted, the meeting shall stand
adjourned to such day and time as the President or the Supreme Council may
(g) If a quorum is still not present half an hour after the time appointed for the
postponed meeting, the delegates present shall have power to proceed with the
business of the day, except that they shall have no power to amend these Rules or
to make decisions affecting the whole membership. The Chairman of the Annual
General Meeting shall be the Chairman of the adjourned Meeting.
(h) The Chairman of the Annual General Meeting may, with approval of the
members, postponed the meeting from time to time and to a different place in the
event that the meeting has some outstanding matters.
(i) In the Annual General Meeting, any votes taken on any issues shall be decided
by secret ballot unless a majority of those present and eligible to vote agree to vote
by a show of hands.
(j) At all meetings of the Chamber, the Chairman of a meeting shall have no casting
vote except in the case of a tie.
(k) Any proposed resolution to be tabled at the Annual General Meeting shall be
received by the Secretary General at least seven (7) day before the date of the
Meeting and proposed and seconded by members eligible to vote.
(l) Every resolution passed by the General Meeting of members shall be decided by
a simple majority of votes.
(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by at least one-fourth of the
Chamber members shall be convened on a date within 30 days of receipt of such
(b) An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Chamber shall be convened:
(i) Whenever the Supreme Council deems it desirable; or
(ii) At the joint request in writing by not less than one-fourth of the total Chamber
members, stating the objectives and reasons for such meeting.
(c) Notice and agenda for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be sent to all
Chamber members by the Secretary General at least fourteen (14) days before the
date fixed for the Extraordinary General Meeting.
(d) All the provisions in this Constitution regarding quorum and postponement of an
Annual General Meeting shall apply also to an Extraordinary General Meeting, but
with the proviso that if no quorum is present after half an hour from the time
appointed for a postponed Extraordinary General Meeting, such meeting shall be
cancelled and no Extraordinary General Meeting for the same purpose shall be
requisitioned until a lapse of at least six months from the date thereof.
(a) There shall be established a Supreme Council, which shall have the authority to
govern and manage the Chamber in accordance with the provisions of this
Constitution and policies laid down by any General Meeting of members.
(b) The Supreme Council shall consist of Twenty Three (23) members who, except
for the following, shall be elected triennially at an Annual General Meeting.
(i) The offices of Secretary General and Treasurer General and their respective
Assistants shall be appointed by the Supreme Council.
(ii) The offices of two (2) Vice Presidents and two (2) Supreme Council members
shall be appointed by the Supreme Council.
(iii) The appointments for the positions shall be made to reflect a fair representation
of the various Orang Ulu ethnic groups in the Supreme Council.
(c) The Supreme Council member shall consist of the following office bearers:
(i) One (1) President
(ii) One (1) Deputy President
(iii) Five (5) Vice Presidents
(iv) One (1) Secretary General
(v) One (1) Assistant Secretary General
(vi) One (1) Treasurer General
(vii) One (1) Assistant Treasurer General
(viii) Twelve (12) ordinary Supreme Council Members.
(d) Names of candidates for the above offices, which are to be elected, shall be
proposed and seconded and triennially elected by a simple majority of members
present at the Annual General Meeting of the Chamber.
(e) A Supreme Council member shall hold office for a period of three (3) years until
the next election of members of the Supreme Council.
(f) The President shall hold office for a maximum of two (2) terms and may be
nominated again after the lapse of the subsequent term.
(g) A member of the Supreme Council shall immediately vacate his position if he
(i) is found to be insane or an undischarged bankrupt; or
(ii) is expelled as a member of the Chamber; or
(iii) resigns as a member in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
(a) The Supreme Council shall hold its first meeting within three (3) months after the
Annual General Meeting and thereafter, meet as often as necessary and at least
twice a year. Notice of each meeting shall be issued at least seven (7) days before
each meeting.
(b) The President on his own or at least five members of the Supreme Council may
call a meeting of the Supreme Council.
(c) A quorum for the Supreme Council Meeting shall be considered to have been
formed if at least twelve (12) members (being at least more than half of the total
number of members of the Supreme Council) of the Supreme Council are present.
(d) If two-third of the Supreme Council members resigned, the Secretary General or
any council member shall call for an Extraordinary General Meeting to elect new
office-bearers of the Chamber to replace those who have resigned. The remaining
office-bearers shall manage the Chamber until new office bearers are elected.
(a) The Supreme Council shall have the powers to:
(i) Decide, review or formulate any policy for the Chamber;
(ii) Decide, review or formulate any policy on the general and financial
administration of the Chamber;
(iii) Carry out the decisions and rulings of the Annual General Meetings;
(iv) Implement any recommendations and resolutions passed at the Annual General
(v) Process any matters to be tabled before the Annual General Meeting,
(vi) Perform the ordinary business and deal with the day to day administration of the
(vii) To appoint special committee or committees to deal with specific matters on a
permanent or on an ad-hoc basis,
(viii) To define terms of reference of such committee,
(ix) To make, amend or repeal such rules, by-laws or orders deemed necessary for
the better carrying out of the Chamber's policies, objectives and welfare,
(x) To mediate and settle any misunderstanding or conflicts among members,
(xi) To present to the Annual General Meeting all reports on progress of the
Chamber and also shall table financial reports which has been audited,
(xii) To appoint members to be on a Panel of Advisers and any Honorary members,
(xiii) To accept resignation and expel members of the Supreme Council and any
other members of the Chamber,
(xiv) To implement the provisions of this Constitutions,
(xv) To appoint representative(s) in any council, statutory bodies or ministries in the
Federal and State Government that needs the Chamber's representation,
(xvi) To appoint Executive Secretary, officers, clerks or servants and to engage
officials to perform or execute any specific jobs of the Chambers and to pay them
such remuneration as may be appropriate,
(xvii) To hear and decide any application for membership where the origin or race of
the applicant does not fall in any of the races enumerated in this Constitution,
(xviii) In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Supreme Council
the Supreme Council shall have the power to co-opt any other member of the
Chamber to fill the vacancy until the next General Meeting.
(b) In addition to the other powers given by the provisions of this Constitution the
Supreme Council shall have power to censure the President, Deputy President,
Vice-Presidents and any Supreme Council member for any failure to perform their
duties or acting against the interest of the Chamber or failing to comply with any
order or direction or resolution of the Chamber or for acting against the interest of
the Chamber and its members PROVIDED ALWAYS that any motion of censure
shall not be passed unless it receives the support or votes of two-thirds of the
Supreme Council members present and voting at any of the Supreme Council
meeting and PROVIDED FURTHER that if a motion of censure is passed against
the President or Deputy President, or any Chamber's officials elected by the Annual
General Meeting, the person so censure shall then forthwith relinquish his position
as such and an Extraordinary Triennial General Meeting shall be convened by the
Supreme Council in accordance with this Constitution herein for the purpose of
electing a new President or Deputy President as the case may be.
(c) All things or acts done or performed in good faith by any member of the
Supreme Council or person or body of person authorised to do by the Supreme
Council shall be valid notwithstanding the appointment of any member of Supreme
Council or person or body of persons acting as if every such person has been duly
appointed and qualified to be a member of the Supreme Council.
(a) The President shall during his term of office preside over all the general
meetings and all meetings of the Supreme Council and shall be responsible for the
proper conduct of all such meetings. He shall have the casting vote and sign the
minutes of each meeting at the time they are confirmed.
(a) The Deputy President shall deputise for the President during his absence.
(a) Each of the Vice Presidents shall assist the Deputy President in carrying out his
duties. Any one of the three (3) elected Vice Presidents as may be decided and
agreed between the three of them, shall be appointed to act for the Deputy
president during the latter’s absence.
(a) The Secretary General shall conduct the business of the Chamber in
accordance with this Constitution and shall carry out the decisions of the Supreme
Council. He shall be responsible for conducting all correspondence and keeping all
books, documents and papers except the accounts and financial records. He shall
attend all meetings and record the proceedings.
(a) During his term of office, the Assistant Secretary General shall deputise and act
for the Secretary General in the latter's absence.
(a) The Treasurer shall:
(i) advise the Supreme Council in all financial matters,
(ii) be responsible for the finances of the Chamber and shall keep accounts of all its
financial transactions and receipts,
(iii) exercise control over the Annual Budget of the Chamber,
(iv) be responsible to present the accounts during the Annual General Meetings
(v) supervise the proper administration of the Chamber's accounts,
(vi) do all such acts or things as he may be requested by the Supreme Council in
the administration of the Chamber's banking and financial affairs.
(a) During his term of office, the Assistant Treasurer General shall deputise and act
for the Treasurer General in the latter's absence.
(a) The Ordinary Supreme members shall assist the Supreme Council in carrying
out its functions.
(1) The Chamber's fund shall be used for the benefit of The Chamber including
administrative, salary, official expenses and accounting charges. The fund however
shall not be used to pay fines imposed on members by any Court of Law.
(2) The Treasurer General shall keep a petty cash of not more than RM1,000.00.
Any balance shall be deposited in a bank account of the Chamber in any bank
approved by the Supreme Council.
(3) That all accounts of the Chamber shall be opened in the name of the Chamber
and that all accounts of the Chamber shall be operated by the President, Treasurer
General and the Secretary General as follows:
(a) That all cheques, notes, bills issued from or to any account of the Chamber shall
be signed by either the President or the Secretary General jointly with the Treasurer
(4) No expenditure exceeding RM75,000.00 at any one time shall be incurred
without the prior sanction of the Supreme Council and expenses exceeding
RM50,000.00 shall be approved only by the General Meeting. The President,
Secretary General and Treasurer General shall have the power to approve
expenditure of not more than RM10,000.00.
(5) A statement of income and expenditure and a balance sheet for the year shall
be prepared and audited by the Auditors. The audited accounts shall be submitted
for the approval of the next Annual General Meeting and copies shall be available at
the registered place of the Chamber of the perusal
(6) The financial year of the Chamber shall commence 1st January and ends on
31st December.
(7) The incomes and property of the Chamber shall be applied solely towards the
promotion of the objectives of the Chamber and no portion thereof shall be paid or
transferred directly by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise to the persons who at
any time are or have been members of the Chamber or to any person claiming
through them. But nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith
of remuneration to any office bearers or staff of the Chamber or to any member
thereof or other persons in return for any service actually rendered to the Chamber.
(1) Two persons who shall not be officer-bearers in the Supreme Council shall be
appointed as Honorary Auditors by members either at a General Meeting or at an
Extra Ordinary General Meeting. The Honorary Auditors shall hold office for three
years and shall be eligible for reappointment.
(2) The Auditors shall be required to audit the accounts of the Chamber and to
prepare a report or certificate for the Annual General Meeting or the Extraordinary
General Meeting. They may also be required by the President to audit the accounts
of the Chamber for any period within their tenure of office at any date, and to make
a report to the Supreme Council.
(3) The Supreme Council shall also appoint an external auditor to audit the
accounts of the Chamber each financial year to ensure compliance with the laws of
the country and good financial conduct and practice.
(a) The President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer General shall be the
officers for the purpose of Section 9(b) of the Societies Act, 1966 and as Trustees
for the Chamber for all immovable properties and chattels whatsoever belonging to
but not registered in the name of the Club upon execution of a Deed of Trust.
(b) The officers shall continue to hold office until replaced at the next Annual
General Meeting.
(c) The officers shall ensure that all the Chamber’s immovable properties are
registered in the name of the Chamber and subject to the limits set by this
Constitution, shall not sell, withdraw, transfer, mortgage, or charge any of the
property of the Chamber without the approval of a general meeting.
(a) The Secretary General of the Chamber shall be the officer for the purpose of
Section 9(c) of the Societies Act 1966.
(b) The officer shall continue to hold office until replaced at the next Annual General
(c) In the event of any vacancy in the office of Property Officers or Public Officer,
the Supreme Council may appoint a member of the Supreme Council or any
ordinary member of the Chamber, to fill the vacancy or vacancies until the next
Annual General Meeting.
(1) In the event of any ambiguity, doubt regarding the interpretation of this
Constitution or any clause thereof or any rules or by-laws made thereunder the
decision of the Supreme Council on the matter shall be final and shall not be
questioned in any Court of Law.
(1) The Supreme Council may constitute a Panel of Advisors for the purpose of
advising the Chamber and to appoint such persons to the panel and in such number
as the Supreme Council considers fit.
(1) No Benefits as defined under Section 2 of the Societies Act, 1966 shall be given
by the Chamber to any of its members.
(2) Any person shall not hold office in the Chamber or become an advisor or
employee of the Chamber if he is disqualified under Section 9A of the Societies Act,
(3) Neither the Chamber nor its members shall engage or try to engage in any
Trade Union activities as defined in the Trade Union Act, 1959.
(1) This constitution shall not be altered or amended except by resolution passed at
an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Chamber.
Such alterations or amendments shall be submitted to the Registrar of Societies,
within 60 days after the said meeting and shall take effect from the date of approval
by the Registrar of Societies.
(1) The Chamber shall not be dissolved except by:
(a) A resolution passed at a General Meeting specially convened for that purpose
and attended by not less than three-fifth (3/5) of the voting members eligible to
attend under the provisions of this Constitution, and
(b) A two-thirds (2/3) majority votes of the members present at such General
(2) Notice of the dissolution shall be submitted to the Registrar of Societies,
Malaysia within fourteen (14) days from the date of the resolution for dissolution
having been passed.
1. Flag
2. Logo
Combination of Two Colours - Black & Yellow Symbolizes Solid Unity of OU
community from different Ethnics and tribes (Races) while the Black colour
represent the nature of courage in presenting ideas and creativity in developing a
global socio-economy. Yellow Colour show an emblem of Sincerity in implementing
the Visions and missions of OUCCI.
Traditional Bead Necklace – “KEVOK” Represent / Symbolizes the cultural heritage of Orang Ulu community, that is inherited from generation to generation. Other than it being a symbol of Pride to Orang Ulu community, jus by wearing the “Kevok” then easily be recognised by the surrounding communities that the person is an Orang Ulu.
MOTIF – Traditional Orang Ulu carving In addition to displaying artistic elements of
Art and culture of Orang Ulu society, it also symbolizes the uniqueness of the Orang
Ulu community lifestyle. That has the value of creativity, innovative and dare to
compete in any field of Industry, entrepreneurship and so on.
Colours Yellow, Black and White
The three colours symbolize the spirit of every OUCCI members in obeying the
Laws and the Constitutions of Sarawak and Malaysia.
3. Badge