Tuesday, December 31 2024

10:30 PM - 7 AM
Monday, Dec 30, 2024 10:30 p.m.
Multi-day Event
Social Activities


This conference situates legal pluralism between pluriversality and everyday lived experience in coping with diverse systems. Issues of indigenous law jurisprudence, native laws and custons and institutional processes and jurisdictional issues, family and personal law, and often problematic relationship between state law, customary law, and religious law continues to affect dailt lives. New challenges in contemporay society including natural resources governance, environmental justice, intercultural intergenerational justice and social challenges warrant interdisciplinary exploration of how these are dealt with through interplay of constitutional, legislative and indigenous knowledge systems. 



To identify the issues surrounding legal pluralism with a pecific emphasis on indigeneity; Explore the jurisprudential basis of customs and customary laws and institutional, jurisdictional within constitutional legal pluralism; Deal with the intercultural and intergenerational issues that are embedded in environmental governance, lands and resource management and access rights; Build understanding on the substance as well as methodology of indigenous traditional knowledge.



Panel 1: Constitutinal Legal Pluralism and Indigeneity

Panel 2: Native Law, Customs and Customary Institutions

Panel 3: Access, Governance of Lands and Natural Resources and Environmental Justice

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